728x90 반응형 SMALL 전체 글367 XML) Student Information XML Structure 2019001 홍길동 남성 20 컴퓨터 공학 2019002 이순신 남성 22 역사학 2019003 김영희 여성 21 문학 #### Document Declaration: - ``: The XML declaration specifies that this document uses version 1.0 of XML and is encoded in UTF-8, supporting international character sets. #### Root Element: - ``: This is the root element that encapsulates all data within the document, serving as a container for the student information records. .. 2025. 1. 30. HTML) Transforming XML Student Data into HTML with XSLT 학생 정보 학번 이름 성별 나이 전공 #### Breakdown of the XSLT Stylesheet: - ``: The XML declaration specifies this file as an XML document encoded in UTF-8. - ``: Defines the document as an XSLT stylesheet, using version 1.0 of XSLT. The `xmlns:xsl` attribute declares the XSLT namespace required to use XSLT elements. - ``: The template match attribute is set to `/`, indicating that the template applies to the.. 2025. 1. 29. function) apply() 1. **`sample` Function Definition**: - The `sample` function is correctly defined to accept an arbitrary number of arguments using the rest parameter syntax (`...items`). Inside the function, it logs `items`, which would be an array containing all passed arguments. 2. **Attempt to Call `sample` Function**: - The script attempts to call the `sample` function in a peculiar and incorrect manner: `s.. 2025. 1. 28. function) confirm() 1. **`confirm('accept?')`**: This line calls the `confirm` method, which displays a dialog box with a message ('accept?') and two buttons, "OK" and "Cancel". - If the user clicks "OK", `confirm` returns `true`. - If the user clicks "Cancel", `confirm` returns `false`. 2. **`alert(input)`**: This line uses the `alert` method to display another dialog box showing the result of the `confirm` call. .. 2025. 1. 27. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 92 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST