728x90 반응형 SMALL 개념/HTML+CSS18 HTML) Overview of Basic HTML Text Formatting Tags header1 header2 header3 header4 header5 header6 test test test test test test test test testtesttest testtesttesttest 2020.11.10 mailto:abc2020az8807ddl@gmail.com 1. **Heading Tags (`` to ``)**: - The document begins with examples of heading tags ranging from `` to ``, each representing a different level of heading where `` is the highest or most important level, and `` is the least. These are u.. 2025. 2. 13. HTML) Basic HTML Document Structure Example how to use Html? Html = HyperText Markup Language 1. **DOCTYPE Declaration**: - ``: This declaration is at the top of the document and specifies the document type and version of HTML. In this case, it declares the document as an HTML5 document, ensuring that the browser parses it as such. 2. **HTML Element**: - ``: This element is the root of the document and contains all other HTML elements (ex.. 2025. 2. 12. HTML) Styling HTML Headings with CSS h1 style h2 style - ``: Declares the document type and HTML version (HTML5). - ``: The root element of the HTML document, with an attribute `lang="en"` specifying the language of the document's content (English). - ``: - ``: Specifies the character encoding for the document (UTF-8). - `all/Tage select`: Sets the title of the web page as "all/Tage select." This appears in the browser tab or windo.. 2025. 2. 6. HTML) CSS Selectors and Styling Examples div style1 span style1 span style2 p style1 span style3 sky sea div style2 span style 4 span style 5 p style span style 6 tree1 tree2 tree3 tree4 tree5 #### CSS Style Rules Explained: - `*{margin: 5px; padding: 5px;}`: The universal selector (`*`) applies a margin and padding of 5px to every element in the document. - `#id1{border: dashed red;}`: The ID selector (`#id1`) styles any element with .. 2025. 2. 5. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 728x90 반응형 LIST