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HTML) Exploring Font Styles and Effects in CSS style 1 style 2 style 3 style 4 style 5 style 6 style style style style style style style 7 style style style style style style style 8 style style style style style style style 9 style style style style style style h1 Shadow effect h2 Shadow effect #### CSS Style Rules Explained: - `*{font-size: 1em;}`: Sets the default font size for all elements in the document to 1em. - `#id1, #id2, #id3, #id.. 2025. 2. 4.
HTML) background style type style 1 style 2 style 3 style 4 #### CSS Style Rules for All Elements: - `body *`: Applies to all elements within the `body`. Sets a solid gray border, and specifies a width of 400px and height of 100px for each. This rule provides a consistent size and border for demonstration purposes. ##### Individual Background Styles: - `#id1`: - `background-image:url();`: Intends to set a background image .. 2025. 2. 3.
HTML) CSS Styling Showcase style 1 style 2 style 3 style 4 style 5 style 6 style 7 style 8 style 9 style 10 style 11 #### Global and Body Element Styles: - `*{margin:0px; padding:0px;}`: Resets the margin and padding for all elements to 0, ensuring a consistent starting point for styling. - `body *`: Applies to all elements within the `body`. Sets margins and padding to 0, applies a solid silver border, and sets the font .. 2025. 2. 2.
HTML) Web font Default Font Example Web Font1 Web Font2 #### Document Structure and Code Explanation: - ``: Specifies the character encoding for the HTML document to be UTF-8, supporting a wide range of characters for internationalization. - `HTML5 Web font`: Sets the title of the web page to "HTML5 Web font", which is displayed on the browser's title bar or tab. - ``: Intended to link to an external web font .. 2025. 2. 1.